Green Hill


Jun Senoue on Sonic Generations Original Soundtrack:

Green Hill

In the history of Sonic of 20 years, we have never been allowed to mix in the arrangement to the composition produced by Dreams Come True’s Mr. Nakamura, who was in charge of the original, but in this game, it was indispensable in obtaining the permission. The thing that I worked on in the beginning after being arranged to participate in this project was producing the demo of arranged version of this composition for presenting it to him, and I made the Modern - Fast demo and submitted it in order to lucidly show the differences of tempo feeling of the modern style, which we use in this game, and the original. He understood the concept of this game and was able to be interested in it, and it was good news that we could receive his ready consent regarding the music arrangement.

Starting with this composition, the person who was entirely in charge of the production of classic versions of Genesis’s compositions of the original titles is Naofumi Hataya. Laying the sound source of the original composition as the focus, we decided the technique that goes on modeling and dressing it up and regarded it as nostalgia and freshness living together, which is the concept of this game. Newly added to the catchy, original composition, the phrase with good sense united naturally in all the compositions and acted together with the melodies familiar to the ears, and it has become something that lets us feel its flashily new light.

Corresponding to producing the modern versions of these stages, we thought of doing a little more than usual to the boosting sound effect utilized since Sonic Unleashed, the tempo feeling was reflected in the composition, making it suitable for Sonic’s speed sensation, and we tried to make an effort to shift it smoothly. Specifically, for the parts like the melodies, we used the same things and prepared the replacement of the basic part of drum, bass, and guitar that support the foundation of the composition with another performance. Those are what we attempted to determine the system that smoothly interchanges and this technique is one of my favorite elements in this work.