Kenichi Tokoi


Kenichi Tokoi on Sonic Adventure 2 Original Sound Track:

The remix of Knuckles’s theme song was added to this project after about 2.5 years at the beginning. It’s the appeal as if to say, “I’ll do Knuckles’s theme myself definitely!” … the appeal. Well, when I joined the work of this game, the days of recording operations, upheaving composition production, and others in N.Y. make me remember the job feeling of the previous work, and I spent the very wonderful days, feeling the illusion as if I had time-traveled. The composition concept this time was something that I should also say as the adherence of characters and musicality, that further expresses each character image musically, that even more reflects the musicality in the appearing stages as well, and in which one can imagine the firm images inside the flow of the story too. The pursuit of genres was done so much that the ideas coming out from everyone and the completed compositions are incomparable with the previous work, and I remember that I oohed and aahed alone, being very overwhelmed by the appearance of the group of compositions that seem to remove the so-called “fakes” to the utmost. When it comes to … me, I mainly handled the events of the movies and the like while also producing the compositions related with Rouge’s stage and Chao, so I was directed toward producing the compositions that make them maximally utilize the expressions of situations rather than the adherence of characters and musicality.

Isn’t the concept different? Yes, surely if you look at just that, it ends up becoming so, but I have put the events through the role, which the story enlivens, beyond the previous work and enhanced the rendition aspect and the compositions that can seem to express them more effectively by inserting them into each event in order to especially apply more highs and lows, which were undoable in the previous work, with music. In terms of pictures, there has also been many very high-quality and imagination-arousing image materials, and as a result, I think that the intermediary was also well-produced in the adherence of characters and musicality, which is the composition concept this time, for the part in which the mediation toward the stage music was tightly made. It’s from the concept as a piece to the main concept. Above all, I am in the hope that you could enjoy the sound beyond the previous work in all of them—pursuit and meticulousness, adherence and coexistence…. And many thanks to everyone who has been supportive this time. Especially hats off to the studio team who had stuck out the recording until morning, day after day. The meticulous mixes were the best. Thanks!!!!